Our first show finally took place last night at PB&J art gallery during the Pomona Art walk. Familiar faces crowded the "stage", meanwhile a refreshing sight had unfolded as many unfamiliar faces came rushing in to see what was going on.... Ok, so they just walked in calmly and took a seat on the ground. Nevertheless, I feel like we definately made some noise out there as we were asked for an encore, at which, we happily scrounged for a Bob Marley cover - "Three o'Clock Road Block (Rebel Music)". Other covers included Segun Bucknor & his Revolution's "LaLa" and Gil Scott-Heron's "Lady Day and John Coltrane".
Although I dont believe there is any footage of the performance, this one has already burned images in my memory bank and will probably remain as one the more significant performances of our lives. Those few who were there for the most part could probably see that something special was happening, that being a complete and utter release of energy and light that had been bottled up for so long. Finally we've gotten to expose our true selves, without reservation, as artists and musicians.